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Abstract Acrylic contemporary art on deep edge canvas by Irish artist Ciara



Journey into the spellbinding depths of 'Celestial Symphony,' where swathes of gold, blue, and bronze entwine in a dance of ethereal poetry. Each hue whispers secrets of the soul, weaving a tapestry of divine connection and radiant light. Surrender to the symphony of colours, as hope, love, and light intertwine, guiding you through a celestial voyage of self-discovery.


Let this ethereal statement piece be your beacon, illuminating the path to peace and gentle grace.


Celestial Symphony is abundant in beautiful bronzes and blues with luxurious gold embellishments. It is rich in decadent texture, which adds a sense of depth and mystery.


Let this piece of original art take you on a journey of your own making...


The beauty of expressionist art is that you, as the viewer, are the true story teller of the piece. Simply let the paint and composition guide you on your own journey and into your own world of discovery.


A stunning piece for any home or office interior and sure to be a talking point, Celestial Symphony comes ready to hang. Edges are painted a deep Midnight blue.


152cm x 122cm unframed on deep edged gallery wrapped professional grade canvas.


** Private viewing available at my art studio in Comber County Down, N.Ireland, by appointment.


Arrange by emailing **


Collection available. You can organise this at check out.


Paintings shipped within 5 - 10 working days.

Free shipping UK 🇬🇧 and Ireland 🇮🇪


**For international delivery, please email for shipping costs prior to purchasing.**


Abstract art, ciara Gilmore, Irish art, contemporary art, modern art, ethereal art, spiritual art


Celestial Symphony

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